
"Who's the old friend?" In Yi Ke's memory, she had never heard of Yu Heng having any old friends, although it was very likely because she had not paid attention to Yu Heng's previous life.

Yu Heng saw a person walking over in a raincoat. He stood up with a smile. "My old friend is here."

Zhang Bo was Yu Heng's form teacher back then. After Yu Heng dropped out of school, he even came to visit.

Although Yu Heng did not go to school in the end, Zhang Bo still left a set of teaching materials for him every semester. When he was free, he would send them over for Yu Heng to study on his own.

"Teacher Zhang, it's still raining. Why don't you wait for a few more days?" Yu Heng took his umbrella and ran out to welcome Zhang Bo.

Although he came at this time every year, Zhang Bo usually stayed in the school's teachers' dormitory. He had to walk through two mountains to get here. Yu Heng originally thought that he would come after the rain stopped, but he didn't expect Zhang Bo to brave the rain to send it to him.

"Even when it's not raining, you're busy with farm work. It's harder than ascending to the heavens to see you." Zhang Bo smiled and took off his bamboo hat. He handed the book he was holding tightly to Yu Heng. "This is the book for Year Three. If you don't know anything, make a mark. When winter break comes, come and find me. I'll teach you."

Yu Heng took the book and pulled Zhang Bo into the house. Zhang Bo didn't stand on ceremony with him and went to find a glass of water to drink. He even greeted Yu Yu and Yu Xiang, who were looking around the door.

After drinking a cup of hot water, Zhang Bo felt that his entire body was warm. Although it was summer, once it rained, it was still damp. After walking for a long time, people would feel like they were soaked in ice water.

After Zhang Bo warmed up, he looked around Yu Heng's house and realized that something was wrong. "Yu Heng, why does your house feel crowded?"

"Oh, there's a guest. She has a lot of things." After Yu Heng calculated the money, he counted the corresponding amount from the rag bag and handed it to Zhang Bo. "However, sending the books wasn't enough for you to make a trip in the rain, right? Did something happen?"

Zhang Bo took the money and put it in his pocket without counting. He patted Yu Heng's shoulder with a smile and took out an invitation from his pocket. "I can't hide anything from you. I'm getting married. Remember to come to the wedding banquet next Saturday with that Miss Xiao Yan from your village."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Xiang and Yu Yu jumped up in surprise and sighed. Zhang Bo smiled and rubbed their heads.

Yu Xiang and Yu Yu could be said to be the children he had watched grow up, so they were naturally close to him. Yu Heng also smiled and gave his blessings.

Miss Xiao Yan's situation was similar to Yu Heng's. They were both forced to drop out of school, but the difference was that Xiao Yan's family said that girls had no way out of school. It was better to find a good family and marry them as soon as possible. Xiao Yan was forced to give up her studies.

At that time, Xiao Yan was 18 years old and Zhang Bo had just graduated from university.

Xiao Yan had a good impression of Zhang Bo, who had seen the world. She often went to him to ask questions and even gave him the delicious food she made from time to time. Slowly, the two of them began to fall in love. It had been four years.

For four years, Zhang Bo worked hard to get his parents to acknowledge Xiao Yan, and the two finally got together.

After Zhang Bo greeted Yu Heng and his family, he saw Yi Ke sitting at the side. Although he did not know anything about luxury goods, he could tell that Yi Ke's clothes were definitely not cheap.

He couldn't figure out why Yu Heng had such a rich relative, but he still greeted Yi Ke in a friendly manner. "Hello, my name is Zhang Bo. I'm Yu Heng's high school teacher. Judging from your dressing, you're also from the city, right?"

Yi Ke sized him up a few times, nodded as a greeting, and returned to her room. Zhang Bo awkwardly retracted his hand and looked at the closed door, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry about her. She has that young lady temper," Yu Heng explained to him.

Zhang Bo didn't take his words to heart. The two of them reminisced and chatted. Seeing that the rain had lessened, Zhang Bo bade farewell and left. Before he left, he even said to Yu Heng, "If that Miss doesn't mind, she can also attend the wedding."

Yu Heng agreed and sent him out of the village before returning home. On the way, he happened to pass by the village chief's house, so Yu Heng brought Yi Ke's lunch back. Unexpectedly, before he could say anything after entering the house, Yi Ke ran out angrily.

After Yi Ke returned to her room, she could still hear the conversation between the two people outside. She learned that Yu Heng's past results had always been ranked first. This was not surprising. After all, in her previous life, Yu Heng was very smart and relied on his business acumen to climb up step by step.

However, Yi Ke didn't expect Yu Heng to be able to speak so gently and politely.

She lay on the bed and fell asleep as she listened. When she woke up, she could no longer find Yu Heng. For some reason, she felt an unknown anger.

Yu Heng came back at this time. Before he could speak to Yi Ke, he was punched by the girl.