Will Definitely Come Back

In the Miller residence, Jonathan and Old Master Miller were sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor. Their hair was messy and they exuded a dispirited aura. The previously luxurious villa was in a mess now. All the valuable things had been moved away.

Jonathan's face was covered in stubble and he looked haggard. Old Madam Miller, who was at the side, cried and complained, "Son, how dare you borrow from so many loan sharks? What should we do? Boohoo…" The day Jonathan was beaten and hospitalized, the Miller family went bankrupt. All their real estate was sealed by the bank, including this villa. How could they live?

Old Master Miller scolded angrily: "Cry, cry, cry, all you do is cry! If you had known it would end up like this, why didn't you treat Amelia better in the past?"

Old Madam Miller cried while retorting: "All you do is scold me, but what about you? You're Amelia's grandfather, and I've never seen you treat her well!"