You Can Sell Blood

Apart from that, there was also a video of the bodyguards in black throwing the two elders of the Miller family and Jonathan out of the villa. There was also a video of Eric beating Jonathan up. Of course, in these videos, the Walton family members were all blurred. Only Amelia was not blurred.

Emma's grandmother continued, "Did you see that? Two notifications of critical illness and two hemorrhages! Which stepmother would sacrifice the child in her stomach because she hated her husband's previous child with someone else? Risking with her own life? The Walton family said that our Emma is insensible. I think the one who's really insensible and vicious is that wild girl! She's so scheming at such a young age. Today, she hit Emma, but the Walton family didn't have anyone to coax Emma. What does this mean? It means that that wild girl spoke ill of Emma in front of Old Master Walton and Old Madam Walton. I don't know how many bad things she said about Emma behind her back!"