Bad Child

Emma lay on the ground and cried, "Amelia, you actually hit me! What right do you have to hit me?! This is my dress. You stole my dress and even hit me! You're a bad child! Shameless!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed. So Amelia was wearing Emma's dress. Amelia had just returned to the Walton family and snatched Emma's beloved dress away. The Walton family even indulged her. Emma was really too pitiful!

There was a commotion here. A woman walked towards Evelyn without stopping. "Evelyn, what's wrong?"

Evelyn's eyes were red as she whispered, "Mommy, Amelia told me to get lost just now, but I didn't provoke her. Mommy, did Evelyn do something wrong…"

When the others heard this, they looked at Amelia.

Evelyn's mother quickly comforted Evelyn and asked, "Then why are they fighting?"