New Friend

Hubert was amused by his own thoughts. He smiled and said, "Right, right, right. Look, Teacher is so happy that I've become silly."

Amelia smiled and quickly comforted him. "It's alright. Sometimes, Mia can't remember things and I feel like my head has gone silly too."

When Hubert heard this, he liked Amelia even more.

Evelyn stood at the side and felt that Amelia was stealing her limelight. She was a little unhappy. Evelyn's mother also secretly cursed her luck. When she saw Amelia holding a few paintings in her arms, she was even more speechless. Did she really think that she could perform in front of Fellow Lawrence just because of the Walton family? Did she think that Fellow Lawrence would accept anyone?

Old Master Walton smiled and greeted Fellow Lawrence. "Old friend, why don't you sit on the second floor for a while?"

Hubert could not wait to see Amelia's other paintings. He nodded repeatedly. "Okay, okay, okay."