I'm Not Taking Care of Her

William was speechless. He said to the boss, "Then add another plate of live prawns."

The boss was stunned. "But it's not time to eat yet, and the ingredients are…"

William took out his meal card. "I'll pay double."

The boss: "Alright, it'll be ready soon!"

Amelia's eyes widened. Wow, she looked at William in admiration. "Brother is amazing!"

For some reason, William felt a sense of light pride. He turned his head and snorted. "Of course."

After a while, the hot mutton and roasted lamb leg were served. Amelia took out the turtle from her bag, grabbed a prawn, and handed it to Grandpa Turtle. Then, she handed the apple slices on the table to Seven. Seven held the apple slices in his mouth and jumped onto the table along Amelia's arm. He stood with Grandpa Turtle and sat down to eat.

After settling Grandpa Turtle and the parrot Seven's lunch, Amelia reached out and grabbed a roasted lamb leg. She said happily, "Mia will eat too!"