The Old Madam in Tang Dress Appears Again

Today, Old Madam Walton's breakfast was very sumptuous. Duck blood noodles, steamed buns, soy milk, shrimp dumplings, steamed eggs, and so on…

Amelia was eating the steamed bun that she had been staring at for a long time. She was satisfied. Seeing Amelia eat, Old Madam Walton felt a huge sense of satisfaction. She pushed the noodles over. "Mia, eat some noodles."

Amelia was not picky with food. She ate whatever was given to her. After a crisp hum, she picked up the noodles and started eating. Lucas glanced at it and thought to himself, "Is it that delicious?" He elegantly picked up some noodles for himself and tasted it. Then, he paused. For some reason, the noodles today seemed to be quite delicious. They tasted different from before.