Daddy Is an Old Demon

Madam Duncan said, "That person might be Mia's father. He was seven years old more than ten years ago, and he's about twenty-five or twenty-six years old now. It's the same information as what Old Glen said. You have to work hard to help the Walton family find him, understand? Also, find time to tell the Walton family about this."

Victor nodded solemnly. "I understand, Mother."

Amelia hugged the kitten doll and looked at the villa opposite. There were many people in the Glen family's villa. There was a big black and white silk flower hanging in front of the door. The funeral home's car had arrived, and there was a police car parked beside it.

"Have a safe journey, Grandpa Glen," Amelia said softly. Grandpa Glen should have seen Sister Luna's corpse, right? Unfortunately, it had been too long, and Sister Luna's ghost was no longer around.

Amelia pursed her lips, her big eyes a little empty. When she was quiet, no one knew what she was thinking.