I Don't Want to Die

Elmer Stevens flipped open his book and asked, "So how did you die?"

Joe Brown: "Once, they pushed me in the school toilet. I don't know what happened, but I retaliated and pushed a classmate to the side. He didn't seem to expect me to resist and was pushed to the ground by me." The surrounding classmates roared with laughter, saying that that classmate was useless and could actually be pushed by him. That classmate felt that he had lost face, so on the way out of school, he found seven or eight people to block him and beat him up.

Joe Brown: "After that classmate finished beating me up, he even mocked me for a long time before taking them away. I lay on the ground and felt that my body was in so much pain. I held onto the wall all the way home. The more I walked, the more painful it became…" When he reached home, Joe Brown saw his mother cooking in the kitchen. He did not say anything and went straight to his room.