This Is Called Uneducated

The Burton family's butler pointed at the outermost courtyard. In that corner, even the lights were dim. The stool was also a simple wooden stool. The Burton family's butler said with a fake smile, "I'm sorry, not everyone can enter the inner room. However, if President Walton wants to give our Old Madam a gift, you can queue there first. Oh right, President Walton, please take good care of the child you brought. After all, children are greedy. Don't do anything embarrassing." The Burton family's butler had a smile on his face, but the corners of his eyes were raised, looking down on others.

George sneered. The Burton family was indeed arrogant.

Amelia was young and asked directly if she did not understand. She looked at the Burton family's butler and said, "Your family is so strange. You want to treat someone to your Old Madam's birthday, but you let the guest sit at the door. I've never seen anyone as rude as you."