Ghost in the Room

With a thud, the door finally opened. William ran out crying. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, save me!" He knocked on George's bedroom door with all his might, not daring to look back.

It was about three in the morning. George had just finished his work and was lying on the bed. He frowned and endured the intense headache. Suddenly, he heard the door slam. He got up and opened the door. Before he could see what was going on, a figure crashed into his arms like a little bull. The force was so strong that George couldn't help but take two steps back. Only then did he see that it was William.

William's face was covered in tears.

George looked puzzled. His two sons had been sensible for a long time. They had started sleeping on their own when they were four years old. They had not relied on him for the past three years, and this situation would not have happened.