Don't Run

Amelia said righteously, "No!"

Alex unsheathed his dagger and said to Amelia, "Mia, go to the side and rest." He was best at extorting confessions!

Amelia trusted Alex and retracted her foot. Kate wanted to take the opportunity to get up, but Alex stepped on her again.

Alex had a cold smile on his face. "I don't have much patience. If you don't tell me the truth…" He held the knife and gestured at Kate's neck. His voice was very low and sinister.

Kate's eyes were filled with fear.

Alex turned his knife and said in a low voice, "Speaking of cutting off people's heads, I'm quite experienced." He chuckled. "Do you want to try?"

Kate was so frightened that her soul almost came out! It was really a soul! The ghost of the female ghost who was hugging her head came out of Kate's body. The original Kate's head tilted and she fainted.

Amelia's eyes widened. So the old saying that her soul had flown out of her body was true!