Waiting for Her to Beg Him

Ashley slapped her mother-in-law's hand aside with a slap. She sneered. "If you want to live in my house, beg me!" With that, she raised her chin and walked back to the booth proudly in her high heels. As soon as she returned, she saw Alex and Amelia watching the show. Amelia even applauded her. "Aunt Ashley is so cool!"

Ashley: "…"

"Let's go." She put away her laptop and said with a gloomy expression, "My good mood has been ruined!"

Alex stood up and easily picked Amelia up.

Seeing that she was about to leave, her husband seemed to feel too embarrassed and immediately said fiercely, "Okay, very well! Ashley, if you leave this door today, believe it or not, I'll divorce you immediately!"

Ashley didn't even look back. She just picked up her laptop bag and left.

Ashley's husband: "…" He was really embarrassed. He could only puff himself up and pretend to be unyielding as he left.