
Ben sat on the small chair unhappily and kicked the child's chair in front of him from time to time. He was very restless.

The little kid in front turned around and said angrily, "Why did you kick me!"

Ben: "No, I kicked the stool, not you."

The children looked aggrievedly at Ms. Mango, who was standing behind Ben and maintaining order in the classroom. Ms. Mango quickly said, "What's wrong, what's wrong? Ben, you have to listen well in class. Ava, you have to listen well too. You are all the best children!"

Hearing this, Ava could only turn around. Amelia happened to be sitting beside her.

Ben was obedient for a while before he felt bored again. This time, he stared at Amelia's two little hairpins. Amelia's hair was black and soft. Her grandmother had braided it into a braid and tied it up. She even clipped two rabbit hairpins, making her look even cuter.