I Want to Solve It Myself

Seeing Amelia come over, William quickly put away his phone and asked, "Mia, what's wrong?"

Amelia said, "Brother, you don't have to hide. Mia already knows."

William was silent and tried his best to comfort her. "Mia, don't listen to those people on the Internet. Those people don't know anything. My father will resolve the matter!"

Amelia shook her head. "No, Brother, I want to settle it myself."

William was a little confused. "What?"

Amelia said loudly, "I want to face it bravely myself! What I didn't do, I want to stand up bravely and make it clear. They can't wrong me! I can't be bullied by them either!" Her father was right. If she didn't do anything, she couldn't admit it. People could suffer anything in their lives, but they couldn't suffer!