A Money Tree

There was also a small program link behind Shawn's video. This was the small program promotion mission he had accepted from the Mission Square. As long as there was enough exposure, he would be paid according to a certain ratio!

The last video had more than nine million views!

"I'm rich! I'm rich!" Shawn's eyes lit up. He edited a few more videos according to the keywords "Amelia, three-timing". He planned to post one a day. Every video had a different delivery link. After he had more fans, he could accept missions with higher rewards… Seeing the increasing number of fans, Shawn seemed to see a pile of money waving at him. He sighed happily. "This Amelia is indeed a money tree!"

The next morning, Shawn couldn't wait to get up. The first thing he did was to look at yesterday's video earnings. 3,368 yuan!