I'll Call Mommy

In the rented house in the village, Shawn watched excitedly as the video traffic of his alternate account increased. The continuous notifications from the backstage were simply intoxicating. It had 500,000 likes and more than 20 million backstage views!

"I'm rich, I'm rich!" Shawn spun around excitedly! For the past few days, he had been posting the video from the last live broadcast. The clickbait of Amelia three-timing had gotten old. In the beginning, the video earnings were still more than 3,000 yuan, but the next day, it was only more than 1,000 yuan. Next, it was hundreds and dozens of yuan… A video would only be popular for a few days. He had to develop a new video, but he did not have any new videos. He could only edit the old video and create different titles. In the end, the popularity was decreasing!