You're Not Allowed to Go Down Because I Said So

This scene happened too suddenly. Before anyone could react, they saw that the middle-aged woman had already rushed into the river. The river water drowned her chest, and then she was pushed down by the river water and struggled.

"Help… Help…" The middle-aged woman shouted instinctively.

Everyone was speechless and anxious. "If she doesn't know how to swim, why did she go down? Seriously!"

The middle-aged man from before was about to go down again when Alex, who was on the phone, stopped him. "I'll get the corpse fishing boat from the river to come over."

A few streamers who were livestreaming shouted exaggeratedly, "Aiya, that auntie is going to drown!"

"The corpse fishing boat is too far away! There's no time to save anyone!"

The middle-aged man panicked when he saw this, but Alex stopped him from going down to save her.