Cold Neck

It was clearly Hazel's mother's voice. "Hazel's second aunt, Hazel is gone. She jumped off a building…" This voice was choked, matching Hazel's mother's voice.

The other voice should be Second Aunt, who Hazel's mother had mentioned. Second Aunt asked in surprise, "Gone? Why is Hazel suddenly gone? What happened?"

Other than these two voices, there were also some other voices asking in a mess. Then, Hazel's mother cried and explained what had happened. "Hazel jumped down from the 44th floor. The police asked me to identify the corpse. Hazel even wrote a suicide note. The suicide note said that she heard that if she wore a wedding dress at midnight, light a red candle, and write her lover's name and birth characters. After she died, she could always be by his side…"

Second Aunt interrupted angrily, "Who did you hear this from?! Who is that man? Doesn't he have to be responsible for Hazel?!"