You'll Be Unlucky If You Swear Randomly

Amelia was as happy as a happy bird as she busied herself happily between the desks. She still remembered what she had said about cleaning the office.

Victor shrank his neck and looked around before saying, "Miss Amelia, leave it. I'll do it…"

Amelia looked at Victor and said, "Uncle Duncan, I don't think you can." His stomach was too big to squat.

Victor: "…" He really couldn't squat down, but… his stomach was elastic. He could try his best! In the end, when he exerted strength, a button flew out of his stomach and bounced on Parrot Seven.

Seven shouted, "Bird killer! Bird killer! Help!" As he shouted, he flew towards the corridor. Grandpa Turtle had just crawled to the entrance of the corridor when Seven stepped on his head.

Grandpa Turtle: "…" Why? Are you bullying me because I can't speak?