Brother Will Hurt

Harper was speechless. His eyes were red. He didn't say a word, didn't resist, didn't say a word. He endured the pain of being hit by the wooden stick.

The others wanted to say something, but in the end, they closed their mouths. Just hit him. Perhaps a beating would be enough. Only Amelia's eyes were red. She ran in and hugged Mrs. Walton. "Grandma, stop hitting him…" She choked. "Brother will hurt…"

Mrs. Walton's heart trembled.

Harper stubbornly turned his face away. Perhaps it was because of the pain, but his voice was a little hoarse. "Get lost! I don't need your concern!"

Mrs. Walton put down the wooden stick dejectedly and returned to the wheelchair in a daze. For a moment, everyone did not know if they should pay attention to Harper, who had been beaten, or to Mrs. Walton, who could stand up…