So Many People

Harper was dumbfounded. How could such a small suitcase be stuffed with so many things? Amelia ran around in her slippers and put the things away. She even took the time to comfort Harper. "Brother, hang in there. If you think it's slow, we'll take a look next door later."

Harper was speechless. He still had to go next door to check? He was very puzzled. "Why?" Did he have to catch ghosts? Couldn't he just stay at the Walton residence and get eight to ten protective charms to wear? Why did he have to catch ghosts?

Amelia said, "If you don't catch the ghost, she'll keep pestering you. Brother, you'll keep having nightmares. You won't be able to sleep well, and your body will get worse and worse. You might even be sick, in a daze, have mental illnesses, epilepsy, and so on…" She counted on her fingers and told him all the illnesses she knew.

Harper: "… Stop!" What nonsense!