Let Me Take a Look For You

There were too many things to buy. The ghost auntie suggested, "Old man, let's take a taxi back? There are so many things. It's so tiring to float back with them."

Uncle Ghost agreed. They stood by the side of the road, waiting for a taxi.

The black-hearted taxi driver who wanted Amelia's money at the airport was already very unlucky for not receiving customers today. For some reason, the government began to catch illegal cars again, causing him to not only run for nothing for a day, but also pay a few hundred yuan for gas. At this moment, the black-hearted taxi driver was in a very bad mood. He was driving home when he saw a middle-aged couple carrying a large pile of things by the roadside waving at him.

The black-hearted taxi driver stopped the car and the middle-aged man asked him, "How much is it to go to Willow Hotel?"