Looking at Her with Sympathy

"You! You, you, you…" Quella was furious. No wonder the Old Master was afraid when he saw the caretaker from the beginning. He pulled her and said something, even hiding behind her. At that time, no one understood what the Old Master was doing. They even persuaded him to listen to the caretaker and even threatened him. If he was disobedient, everyone would ignore him!

Quella regretted it now!

Koen was furious. He slapped the caretaker's face and sent her flying. "Call the police! Call the police now!"

The caretaker covered her face and knelt on the ground. "Mr. Carl, no. I didn't do it on purpose. I really… I don't mean any harm. I just…"

Amelia suddenly sighed. Why did this caretaker auntie and the caretaker auntie from before say that they didn't have any ill intentions? Did they not understand the meaning of the word 'malicious'?