What's There to be Guilty About?

As expected, in the next second, Elmer said, "So, you killed the black-hearted ghost, right?" He slapped the Spirit Binding Net, not the black-hearted ghost. The black-hearted ghost was unlucky and was instantly implicated to death. What could he do?

Amelia's mouth twitched.

Helena, who was on the other side, suspected that a master like Elmer would lead her obedient daughter astray!

At the same time, at the police station, the police were also interrogating the nurse.

The police officer: "Sini Hill, those old people have no grudge against you. Why did you kill them?"

Sini was listless and listless as she explained in detail, "It's just that life is too boring. They order me to do this and that every day, as if I was born to be ordered around. We're all humans. Why should I serve them when they're high and mighty? I feel that this world is too unfair and there's no fun. Then, I killed the first old person…"