Choice, Not Result

Even if they stood with the basin as punishment, they could not make these children shut up.

Mrs. Walton's temples throbbed. She gritted her teeth and looked at George and Alex. "What water bed? What rolling around? How do children know this?"

George: "…"

Alex: "…" They were really wronged!

Mrs. Walton: "What did you teach Mia and the others outside every day? I'm old and can't control you, right? Hurry up and stand there as punishment!"

George and Alex: "…" They shouldn't have asked!

Hence, two tall figures, George and Alex, appeared in the group of children.

The children blinked and looked at Alex and George curiously. How strange. Why were they punished to stand too?

Helena laughed so hard that she almost fainted. Elmer's lips never stopped twitching.

Seven stood by the window in shock, his little head swaying. "Yes, yes!"

Everyone: "…"