She Understands Everything!

Chris had just gathered his emotions when Seven's noisy shout of "Green, green, green" made everyone unable to hold it in. They burst out laughing, and Chris's emotions completely disappeared. Sara even laughed out loud, hugging the blanket and laughing.

The director: "Cut!" He turned around and looked at the green Seven speechlessly. Seven hurriedly grabbed Amelia's hair clip with his mouth. "Clip my mouth shut!"

Amelia shushed him and reached out to pinch Seven's mouth. "Seven, don't be noisy!"

Seven obediently let Amelia pinch its beak and stopped talking.

The set was busy again. Sara changed her clothes, and the props team restored the broken door. While putting on makeup, Amelia went over and asked, "Sister Sara, why did you press that brother on the bed like this? Are you going to fight? Then why did you tear your clothes when you fought?"