Sister Sara, Don't Force Yourself

The others did not see it. Max floated back with an unlucky expression and said to Amelia, "Before you throw me out next time, tell me in advance. It's such a big fire. Good lord, don't you know that ghosts are most afraid of fire? If I weren't an evil ghost…"

Amelia asked, "Sister Sara was really burned, wasn't she?"

Max nodded. "Just now, yes. She almost did. Fortunately, I kicked her away."

Amelia looked at the director. "Uncle Director, look, it's true!"

The director was stunned. At this moment, Sara walked out of the set. Her entire face was dark. She covered half of her face, as if she was injured. The director's heart tightened and he instantly panicked. If something happened to the female lead, it would be troublesome! He quickly ran over. "Sara, are you alright?"

Julia also stood up and shouted with a panicked expression, "Oh my god, Sister Sara is injured! Sister Sara is burned!"