No More Regrets

Mrs. Walton's back stiffened, and she instantly stopped cutting vegetables. Her eyes were red, and Amelia, who was hugging an onion, looked up and asked in confusion, "Grandma, what's wrong?"

Mrs. Walton smiled. "Nothing. Cutting onions is too spicy. It flushed my eyes."

Amelia picked at the onion curiously with her fingers. Was the onion spicy? It wasn't! Did onions make people cry? As a result, her nails dug into the onion, and a spicy feeling went straight to her eyes. Tears fell.

"Wu wu wu wu…" The onion really hit her eyes! Amelia held the onion far away with snot and tears.

Initially, everyone's hearts were a little heavy when they saw Mrs. Walton sad. Suddenly, they heard Amelia cry and complain about the onions in a childish voice. The atmosphere instantly became cheerful.

Mrs. Walton quickly took the onion. "Children shouldn't touch onions. You can't rub your eyes with your fingers later, understand?"