Luck Will Be Bad

The Sales Manager: "The Walton family has arranged a family tomb here. Think about it. The Walton family is so rich, and the Feng Shui master they hired is the best. They chose the right place for their ancestral tomb, and their descendants will also rise… Usually, after coming to our place to take a look, very few people find it expensive and decide on it directly. After all, the Feng Shui is here!"

As they spoke, the sales manager and salesperson even glanced at the Moh siblings, intentionally or unintentionally. Miss Moh's brother wished he could find a hole to hide in. With such a comparison, they were too embarrassed! Other people came here to pay directly, but his sister was still bargaining here! How embarrassing!

After leaving, Miss Moh's brother said angrily, "Can't you just settle it? You already have 500,000 yuan. Do you still lack the 60,000 yuan? Just borrow it from someone!"