Someone's Stealing Ghosts!

The rest of Lull's husband's words were instantly stuck in his throat.

Amelia let out a sigh. "Auntie, you're awake! Daddy and I happened to pass by. We were about to come out… to fish…"

William continued, "In the end, I saw you faint. This uncle was about to drag you back…"

Only then did Lull turn around and see her husband behind her. The fear from before she fainted surfaced again. She cried aggrievedly. "Why do you care about me?" She said stubbornly, "I don't want you to care!"

Lull's husband's heart sank and he pursed his lips. In the end, he didn't say anything unpleasant. He looked at Lull. "Can you get up? If you can't, I'll carry you."

Lull held onto the railing of the bridge to stand up, but her legs were weak. After a long time, she still couldn't stand up. Her husband went forward and carried her on his back. Neither of them said a word.

Amelia shook her head. "Aiyo, adults are so complicated."