Hit Me If You Dare!

The flirtatious ghost: "…" Although she didn't want to work, Mia called her sister!

The unlucky guy: "…" It wasn't that he didn't want to work, but Mia called him brother!

The cowardly ghost's eyes were gentle. "Okay. As long as I can help Mia, I'll do anything."

At this moment, the confused ghost in the room was absorbing the murderous aura on Mr. Way. Suddenly, he sensed that something was wrong. He looked up and saw three evil ghosts at the door, staring at him covetously.

The cowardly ghost: "What the hell is this?"

The flirtatious ghost: "With my many years of experience with ghosts, I'm probably a confused ghost."

The unlucky ghost: "You guys go first, I'll take the rear."

The muddled ghost: "???" He looked around strangely and asked, "Why? Do you want to take a puff too?"

The flirtatious ghost was the first to pounce on him. "F*ck!"