So Many Ghosts in the Room

Amelia acted as if nothing had happened and continued to ask, "So what time is it?"

Moon gritted her teeth. "You won this time. You won't be so lucky next time!" After a pause, she said very awkwardly, "I'm sorry!" Wasn't it just catching ghosts in the middle of the night? She wouldn't sleep in the future, alright!

Amelia was not as nervous as Moon. Her small face was very relaxed. Seeing that Moon admitted that she did not discover the muddled ghost first, she had an awkward expression and comforted him. "It's okay…"

Moon felt that Amelia was deliberately infuriating her! However, before she could say anything, Amelia asked, "Sister Moon, where do you keep your ghosts? The second floor? Which room?" She pointed at a room on the second floor and asked, "What did you use to store them? Did you catch a lot? The rooms are all full. How impressive!"

Moon frowned. What nonsense was this? She stood up expressionlessly, not wanting to acknowledge Amelia at all.