
Lucas punched out without thinking!

The doll immediately let out a tragic cry as Lucas sent it flying with a punch. The sound was shrill, making one's scalp tingle.

Amelia's hand that was holding the yellow talisman paused just like that. Her master had said that some people's yang energy was especially strong. When they saw a ghost, their angry eyes could scare the ghost away. In other words, not only were humans afraid of ghosts, but ghosts were also afraid of humans. The female ghost in front of her was sent flying by Brother Lucas's angry yang energy! Brother Lucas was amazing! Amelia's eyes were filled with admiration. She raised the yellow talisman and cheered, "Brother is mighty!"

Lucas was so angry that he almost laughed. How mighty! You would only get caught if your short little legs walked too slowly. At this moment, Lucas did not think of ghosts. He only thought that the three staff members were secretly scaring them with dolls.