Everyone Dresses Like This

For some reason, Amelia gradually became unhappy. The City God was the guardian of a city. When he was alive, he was the hero of this city. He made a huge sacrifice to protect the people. The people elected him and worshipped him with sculptures to form the City God Temple. In the past, the generals used their lives to protect the people and beat away the invading army. Now, the people on the streets were wearing the clothes of the enemy's country and cheering and dancing in front of his temple…

Amelia suddenly stopped and grabbed the dress of a young lady who happened to walk past. This dress was straight and carried a large bow on her back. Her hair was tied up and stuck with a chopstick-shaped hairpin. It was full of exoticism. Amelia mustered her courage and asked, "Miss, why are you wearing such clothes? In the past, Grandpa City God worked very hard to chase away the bad guys. You're wearing the clothes of the enemy country."