I'll Give You a Pair of Shoes

Amelia was stunned.

Elmer was also stunned. He knew that Alex was good at war, but he didn't expect him to be good at killing ghosts!

Amelia came back to her senses and hurriedly chased after it. "Don't run!" It turned out that the pair of footprints was not killed, but they were also frightened by the beating. It did not dare to covet Alex anymore and hurriedly ran away. However, Amelia threw out a yellow talisman and trapped it on the spot. The footprints could not escape. It struggled violently. Amelia's eyes darted around and she invited the unlucky ghost out. "Uncle unlucky ghost, Mia will give you a pair of shoes."

Before the unlucky ghost could react, a pair of "leather boots" appeared under his feet.

In a moment of desperation, the ghost footprint even bit the unlucky ghost.

The corners of the unlucky ghost's mouth twitched as he said weakly, "Mia, is this good?"

Amelia blinked. "Uncle unlucky ghost, don't you like it?"