Why Did Sister Emma Eat Shit?

Mr. Smith was driving with a bunch of kids.

Lucas crossed his arms and looked at William, Harper, Emma, and Amelia in the car. He was speechless. Why had he agreed to bring them out? He had even lied to Grandma and said that he wanted to bring his younger siblings to the library… Looking at Mr. Smith driving, Lucas had a headache. What excuse was he going to find now? Mia had said that she wanted to go to a mental hospital. He couldn't just tell Mr. Smith that she wanted to go to a mental hospital, right?

"This is so troublesome!" Lucas frowned, looking frustrated.

Mr. Smith asked, "Young Master isn't taking them to the library, are you?"

Lucas paused for a moment, his small face cold. "How do you know?"

Mr. Smith smiled and glanced at Emma from the rearview mirror. "I guessed." Anyone in the Walton residence could go to the library, but Emma could not.

Lucas's mouth twitched.