Don't Stop

Amelia looked at Elmer, who leafed through the booklet and gave her a rundown.

Amelia repeated to William and the others, "That ferocious ghost just now was a mental patient in this hospital when he was alive. He was crazy and saw rats everywhere. Then, he treated everyone as rats and wanted to hack them all to death."

William was stunned for a moment before he quickly took out his phone. "I seem to have seen this somewhere…" He and Lucas had good memory. Lucas quickly found the previous forum with his memory. The forum was filled with information from a hospital insider who had survived a calamity back then. He said, "The patient was delusional. According to him, everyone who appeared beside him had become rats due to radiation. He even said that these rats were secretly watching him every day and wanted to eat him. He said that he was going crazy, so one day, he found an ax and killed his family like rats."