Dr. Walton, Don't Leave

"Mia…" Andrew went forward and said worriedly, "Eighth Uncle is here to help you…"

Amelia waved her hand. "No need, no need. Eighth Uncle, find a cool place to stay. I'll be able to settle it quickly."

Andrew: "…"

Sang, who was squatting on the ground, said in fear, "No, Dr. Walton, don't go!" He was just short of rushing over and hugging Andrew's thigh.

Andrew was speechless. He was silent for a moment before saying, "Mia, Eighth Uncle is here…" For some reason, he was worried about Amelia just now, but now he was worried about Sang.

As expected, just as he thought this, he saw Amelia rush up again, shouting to end the battle quickly. Elmer gave strategic guidance at the side. "Yes, that's it. Fight quickly! Drag the loose-tongued ghost down and subdue him."