Breaking into Pieces

The cowardly ghost thought of when he was alive, before he was killed by violence. There were some things that were useless to clarify. When he was alive, he was just timid and did not like to speak. He was rumored by that group of abusers to be sissy, gay, and said that he was not a man. Then, they had an excuse to teach him a lesson openly. The loose-tongued ghost's excuses were just excuses for his atrocities.

The cowardly ghost said coldly, "So? Is an apology useful?"

The loose-tongued ghost stopped talking because it was indeed useless. The police had refuted the rumors, and he had also been arrested and locked up for three days. However, the bride would be pointed at when she walked on the street. Because of her outstanding appearance, she was easily recognized. Even when she was buying groceries, someone took the opportunity to touch her hand and ask her if she would do it for 600 yuan a night. These things were said by the bride when she killed him.