Emma Is Injured

Andrew had just rushed over, along with Mrs. Walton, Mr. Walton, William, and Emma, as well as Alex, who had rushed back at the last minute. In the end, they heard this.

Emma said, "What do you mean, cut off cat balls?"

Everyone: "…"

Mrs. Walton's expression was sinister. "Who taught you that?"

Andrew was speechless. A large drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead. He usually saw George and Alex being taught a lesson, but he did not expect it to be his turn one day.

Andrew instinctively looked at Alex, who immediately raised his hand. "Don't look at me. It really wasn't me this time."

Mrs. Walton asked with a smile, "Mia, who taught you this?"

Amelia saw Andrew desperately winking at her. Her eyes flashed. She lowered her head and whispered, "It's… Uncle Sang taught me."

Amelia, who was lying, felt very guilty. She grabbed her little fingers uneasily. Andrew was so touched that he was about to cry.