You're Crazy

"Are you crazy?! The doctor said that it was just a suspicion, but he didn't say that it had to be me!" As Sang spoke, he turned around and wanted to run. Unexpectedly, a trash can hit his head.

Zhii roared with red eyes, "Sang! You caused my father to bleed and be hospitalized again! I told you not to persuade him to drink, but you insisted! Are you only happy after you kill my father?!"

It turned out that Laing had just been pulled away by the ambulance, and Zhagu could not hold on any longer. After the alcohol yesterday, Zhagu's abdomen hurt faintly. He thought that there would be no problem and endured it, but he did not expect to collapse in the morning. He only found out that there was a hemorrhage at the surgical site when he arrived at the hospital. He was now in the emergency room.