Borrowing Life

Soon, it was the next day. Harper was going to the surgery. It was originally nothing, but the moment Harper was pushed into the operating theater, he suddenly felt nervous. At this moment, a hand held his hand. Amelia encouraged him softly, "Brother Harper, you can do it. Brother, you're the best. You'll definitely go in horizontally and come out vertically!"

Harper: "…"

William: "…" There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with these words? It's just a little strange…

Amelia tied a small thing to Harper's wrist. "This is the safety talisman I drew for you. Wear it well," she instructed carefully. The safety talisman was folded into a small triangle and placed in a yellow cloth bag. It was tied to Harper's wrist with a red string.

In an instant, Harper suddenly calmed down and was no longer afraid. He looked at Amelia and remained silent. It was not until he was drugged and was about to fall asleep that he spat out, "Okay."