It's Going to Be Scared to Death!

At this moment, three small heads poked in from the door. William was lying on the door, Amelia was on William's shoulder, and Seven was on Amelia's head.

William said, "Second Uncle, let Emma come with us."

Dylan stuck to his principles. "No."

Amelia's tone was soft. "Second Uncle, I want to play with Sister Emma."

Dylan's principles were wavering.

Seven tilted his head and assessed the situation. He suddenly said, "If you can't die while studying, you must study to death!"

Dylan, whose principles were wavering, immediately nodded. "Yes!"

Amelia: "…"

William: "…"

Emma glared at Seven. "I'm going to roast you!"

Amelia also threatened, "Strip Seven of his feathers and turn him into a bald bird!"

Seven immediately shut up and looked innocent.

Dylan was about to stick to his principles and let Amelia and the others go by themselves when he saw Amelia blink and plead, "Second Uncle, please."