The Carousel Is What Boys Should Ride

The cowardly ghost stopped right there and left after saying that.

The muddled ghost followed behind slowly and muttered, "What chance? Amelia is just a slightly more powerful Daoist priest. What chance can she have…" At most, she would be a talented Daoist priest. She was already so powerful when she was young. When she grew up, she would become a powerful Daoist priest. However, no matter how powerful a Daoist priest was, she was still a Daoist priest. She would die when she was old. If they were afraid that she would chase after them after escaping, they could find a place to hide first and wait for her to die of old age before coming out! Anyway, they were evil spirits. It was not a problem for them to live for a hundred years.

The muddled ghost could not understand, but he was afraid of Amelia's purple gold hammer. After hesitating, he obediently returned.