Numb, Numb, Legs Numb

The unlucky ghost was exasperated. "What are you doing!"

The flirtatious ghost held a white note in her hand and said disdainfully, "Have you forgotten how many candies you owe me just now? Return this one. There are still three left." With that, she floated into the Soul Retrieving Gourd.

The cowardly ghost patted the unlucky ghost's shoulder and reminded him, "You still owe me three."

The unlucky ghost: "…"

Amelia jogged back to the room, shouting, "Seven, where are you?" It was so strange that she didn't see Seven or Gold when she returned today. Could it be that Seven had kidnapped Gold?

As Amelia thought this, she saw Gold and Seven staring at each other on the windowsill.

"What are you doing?" Amelia leaned over the windowsill and looked at them curiously.

Seven's wings trembled. "It's numb… It's numb…"

Amelia was confused.