This Request is a Little Difficult!

Seven, who was focused on ambushing and preparing to bite Grandpa Turtle's head, said, "Huh?"

Usually, when Amelia went out, she would only bring Seven and Grandpa Turtle. As for Gold… Gold was too big for Amelia.

Amelia asked Seven's opinion seriously. "Can we take this dog home? You and Gold won't bully him, will you? If we bring him home, will you teach him to talk?"

Seven: "???" The first two requirements were fine, but the last one was a little difficult!

Seven tilted his head and looked at the dog outside through the capsule of the pet bag. Suddenly, he opened the zipper with his mouth and flew out. He stood on the pet bag and stared at the stray dog. No one knew what he was thinking about, but he suddenly became excited and began to spin.

Seeing that Seven didn't say anything, Alex said, "Send them to the rescue station." If they found a trustworthy rescue station for stray cats and dogs, their lives could still be guaranteed.