Gathering a Nest of People

Sure enough, the people around them hesitated when they saw the dirty stray dog. Some even took two steps back. This dog was even spitting white foam. What if there was an infectious disease? If it suddenly bit them, who would be responsible?

The beautiful girl was about to cry. "Please, someone help me. It's too heavy. I can't carry it…" She tried her best to pick up the stray dog. Her movements were very strenuous. The stray dog was very dirty. She didn't care if it rubbed against her clothes, body, or face.

The passerby shook his head and said, "Young lady, forget it. This dog is too dirty. There might be an infectious disease. Stay away."

Someone echoed, "That's right, that's right. You're too kind. You don't even care about your health."

The beautiful girl lowered her eyes to hide the smugness in them. Not only did she not let go, but her acting got even more realistic, as if her mother had died.