Do We Start Catching Now?

Qurry: "Alright, friends, I won't talk too much with you. My livestream today is the same as before. It's to help stray cats. We received a call from the enthusiastic public saying that there's a nest of newborn cats in the corner of the side gate of this neighborhood. A few days ago, it rained. The mother cat hid under the board with the kitten and couldn't come out. Therefore, I want to save the cats with my friends today. I hope they're safe!"

Qurry looked worried. She followed Tani and the cat-catchers into the grassland by the side door. Actually, they could reach the side door in two steps. However, they didn't go. They deliberately took a long detour to the overgrown area to show that it wasn't easy for them.

Suddenly, Qurry said, "Ah, I heard a kitty. Quick, quick, quick!"