
Everyone could not help but believe it!

The nurse who sounded sour just now pouted. "I don't believe it…"

At this moment, Mrs. Walton's black magic was cracked. Yinn, who was bragging, suddenly stood up and bit her tongue! Then, she suddenly stood up and rushed to the nurse in a few steps. She reached out and pinched her. Her eyes were terrifying as she said fiercely, "Why don't you believe me! Are you jealous of me?! Tell me, are you trying to seduce President Walton! B*tch! Are you worthy?" She pinched and shook her. The nurse struggled with all her might, and Yinn's high heels rubbed against the ground, making an ear-piercing sound.

Everyone was stunned and could not react at all.

The Yinn in front of them was no longer as intellectual and elegant as before. She was like a lunatic!

Yinn seemed to have gone crazy as she strangled the nurse's neck. The nurse's face turned purple from holding it in. It could be seen how hard she was pinching.